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Concluded itraining courses on equal rights and gender violence today

The cycle of seven seminars “Training courses on equal rights and gender violence today” which were held in the Giovanni Grasso room of the Province of Avellino ended. An intense path that started in early September and ended last week, a training course that involved about one hundred professionals from various sectors from lawyers, law enforcement, teachers, university students, psychologists, social workers, doctors and operators in the sector.

In addition to training, it was intended to establish a network of relationships that would make the intervention of the Anti-Violence Centers more effective in support of abused women. Important collaborations have begun with the judiciary, the Order of Lawyers, law enforcement agencies, Psychotherapy Centers and all Irpinia Anti-Violence Centers.

This network that has begun to be built is supported by the various municipalities concerned, in particular by that of Avellino, by the Provincial Administration, and above all by the Prefecture of Avellino, in the person of Ester Fedullo, head of cabinet, who created the "Protocol of Understanding for the promotion of shared strategies aimed at preventing and combating the phenomenon of violence against women ".

At the work started there is also the participation of Domenica Lomazzo, regional and provincial councilor for equal opportunities. The phenomenon of violence against women is, unfortunately, a social emergency also in Irpinia, still very submerged for fear of the victims themselves even to talk about it, even more to report it. Yet in support of a path of emancipation and liberation of the offended, violated, persecuted woman, much has been done and much more is in the process of being done. The meetings talked about the phenomenon of gender-based violence and its spread in Irpinia and we discussed various experiences and skills, to build a network that allows us to tackle the problem more effectively and solve problems and limitations together. they can live daily.

The seven seminars addressed various topics with experts from each sector. The first meeting discussed the "Legal and regulatory aspects of reference" to the phenomenon of gender-based violence; in the second of "Violence, abuse and mistreatment"; in the third of "Gender violence: the dynamics and consequences of trauma for victims"; in the fourth of “Tools for prevention and assistance in cases of violence”; in the fifth meeting "The relationship of help in cases of violence and stalking"; in the sixth meeting "The protection of minors involved in violence assisted by maltreatment of mothers"; the seventh and last seminar concerned “Networking for the fight against violence”.



September 04, 2016

  • Inquadramento storico-giuridico in materia di violenza di genere;

  • Aspetti legali e giuridici a tutela delle donne

  • La perizia e la consulenza tecnica;

  • Il ruolo della magistratura e delle FF.OO. nella prevenzione e contrasto della violenza di genere;

  • Le politiche regionali sulla violenza di genere

2° Seminario Formativo: Violenza abusi e maltrattamenti

September 11, 2016

  • Epidemiologia

  • Tipi di violenza;

  • I danni psicofisici della violenza sulla salute a breve, medio e lungo termine;

  • Aspetti culturali e sociali della violenza di genere.

3° Seminario Formativo: La violenza di genere: le dinamiche e le conseguenze del trauma per le vittime

September 25, 2016

  • Il concetto di trauma;

  • Il trauma nella violenza sessuale;

  • Aspetti psicologici, relazionali e familiari nella violenza;

  • Le relazioni violente.

4° Seminario Formativo: Strumenti di prevenzione ed assistenza nei casi di violenza

October 09, 2016

  • Tecniche di rilevazione della violenza;

  • Le strategie di intervento;

  • Trattamento e presa in carico delle vittime;

  • Valutazione e trattamento degli abusanti;

  • Prevenzione e best practices.

5° Seminario Formativo: La Relazione di Aiuto nei casi di Violenza e di Stalking

October 23, 2016

Partendo dalla delineazione del fenomeno, saranno trattati gli aspetti legislativi legati alla problematica dello stalking.

La seconda parte riguarderà gli strumenti di ausilio, con l’approfondimento del tema delle competenze relazionali ed emotive degli operatori che lavorano con donne vittime di violenza.

Relatrice dr.ssa Giovanna Celia - Direttore Didattico del Centro Internazionale di Psicologia e Psicoterapia Strategica (CIPPS) di Salerno.

6° Seminario Formativo: La protezione dei minori coinvolti nella violenza assistita da maltrattamento sulle madri

November 06, 2016

7° Seminario Formativo: Il lavoro di rete per la lotta alla violenza

November 20, 2016

Dalla Convenzione di Istanbul ai Centri Antiviolenza della Campania

La Conferenza Stato-Regioni sui Requisiti Minimi dei Centri Antiviolenza e delle Case Rifugio

La costruzione della Rete Antiviolenza: il Protocollo d'intesa della Prefettura di Avellino

Esperienze a confronto dei Centri Antiviolenza e delle Case Rifugio.

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Linee guida per l'intervento

La Rilevazione

Il Progetto di tutela e di cura

Strumenti civili e penali per la tutela

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