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  • Seminario del 26/10/2017 | centroantiviolenza

    Seminar of 26/10/2017- "C.yes bullies, so fragile " Concluded the second training seminar 2017 on the theme "Adolescents today: so rebellious, so fragile" ​ The meeting was attended by about 100 professionals including: social workers, teachers, psychologists, health workers, educators, animators, students, public and private social workers. The interventions, moderated by the journalistSonia Acerra They were: Dr. Alfonso Pepe - Clinical pedagogist of the L'Abbraccio Family Center -"Fragile families " Dr. Maddalena De Simone - Psychologist at the ASL Avellino Family Consultancy - "Support the skills and responsibilities of the reference adults ". Referent of the Postal Police Department Section of Avellino - "Cyberbullying and the risks of the network " Dr. Daniela Cucciniello - Psychologist CAV A02 - "Stereotypes " Dr. Giusi Pamela Valcalcer - Coordinator CAV A02 - "Gender identity " Dr. Maria Teresa Cipriano - Head teacher - "The scholastic discomfort " Prof. Mauro Cozzolino - Scientific Director of CIPPS and Aggregate Prof. of General Psychology University of Salerno -"Emotional education: from emotional abduction to recognition and management". L'educazione alle emozioni Intervento Prof. Cozzolino L'identità di genere Intervento dr.ssa Valcalcer Gli Stereotipi Intervento dr.ssa Cucciniello Video sui Rischi della rete Referente Polizia Postale - video sui Rischi della rete Video sul Cyberbullismo Referente Polizia Postale - video sul Cyberbullismo Please reload

  • FORMAZIONE 2016 | centroantiviolenza

    Concluded itraining courses on equal rights and gender violence today The cycle of seven seminars “Training courses on equal rights and gender violence today” which were held in the Giovanni Grasso room of the Province of Avellino ended. An intense path that started in early September and ended last week, a training course that involved about one hundred professionals from various sectors from lawyers, law enforcement, teachers, university students, psychologists, social workers, doctors and operators in the sector. In addition to training, it was intended to establish a network of relationships that would make the intervention of the Anti-Violence Centers more effective in support of abused women. Important collaborations have begun with the judiciary, the Order of Lawyers, law enforcement agencies, Psychotherapy Centers and all Irpinia Anti-Violence Centers. This network that has begun to be built is supported by the various municipalities concerned, in particular by that of Avellino, by the Provincial Administration, and above all by the Prefecture of Avellino, in the person of Ester Fedullo, head of cabinet, who created the "Protocol of Understanding for the promotion of shared strategies aimed at preventing and combating the phenomenon of violence against women ". At the work started there is also the participation of Domenica Lomazzo, regional and provincial councilor for equal opportunities. The phenomenon of violence against women is, unfortunately, a social emergency also in Irpinia, still very submerged for fear of the victims themselves even to talk about it, even more to report it. Yet in support of a path of emancipation and liberation of the offended, violated, persecuted woman, much has been done and much more is in the process of being done. The meetings talked about the phenomenon of gender-based violence and its spread in Irpinia and we discussed various experiences and skills, to build a network that allows us to tackle the problem more effectively and solve problems and limitations together. they can live daily. The seven seminars addressed various topics with experts from each sector. The first meeting discussed the "Legal and regulatory aspects of reference" to the phenomenon of gender-based violence; in the second of "Violence, abuse and mistreatment"; in the third of "Gender violence: the dynamics and consequences of trauma for victims"; in the fourth of “Tools for prevention and assistance in cases of violence”; in the fifth meeting "The relationship of help in cases of violence and stalking"; in the sixth meeting "The protection of minors involved in violence assisted by maltreatment of mothers"; the seventh and last seminar concerned “Networking for the fight against violence”. Materials 1° Seminario Formativo: ASPETTI GIURIDICI E NORMATIVA DI RIFERIMENTO September 04, 2016 Inquadramento storico-giuridico in materia di violenza di genere; Aspetti legali e giuridici a tutela delle donne La perizia e la consulenza tecnica; Il ruolo della magistratura e delle FF.OO. nella prevenzione e contrasto della violenza di genere; Le politiche regionali sulla violenza di genere 2° Seminario Formativo: Violenza abusi e maltrattamenti September 11, 2016 Epidemiologia Tipi di violenza; I danni psicofisici della violenza sulla salute a breve, medio e lungo termine; Aspetti culturali e sociali della violenza di genere. 3° Seminario Formativo: La violenza di genere: le dinamiche e le conseguenze del trauma per le vittime September 25, 2016 Il concetto di trauma; Il trauma nella violenza sessuale; Aspetti psicologici, relazionali e familiari nella violenza; Le relazioni violente. 4° Seminario Formativo: Strumenti di prevenzione ed assistenza nei casi di violenza October 09, 2016 Tecniche di rilevazione della violenza; Le strategie di intervento; Trattamento e presa in carico delle vittime; Valutazione e trattamento degli abusanti; Prevenzione e best practices. 5° Seminario Formativo: La Relazione di Aiuto nei casi di Violenza e di Stalking October 23, 2016 Partendo dalla delineazione del fenomeno, saranno trattati gli aspetti legislativi legati alla problematica dello stalking. La seconda parte riguarderà gli strumenti di ausilio, con l’approfondimento del tema delle competenze relazionali ed emotive degli operatori che lavorano con donne vittime di violenza. Relatrice dr.ssa Giovanna Celia - Direttore Didattico del Centro Internazionale di Psicologia e Psicoterapia Strategica (CIPPS) di Salerno. 6° Seminario Formativo: La protezione dei minori coinvolti nella violenza assistita da maltrattamento sulle madri November 06, 2016 ​ 7° Seminario Formativo: Il lavoro di rete per la lotta alla violenza November 20, 2016 Dalla Convenzione di Istanbul ai Centri Antiviolenza della Campania La Conferenza Stato-Regioni sui Requisiti Minimi dei Centri Antiviolenza e delle Case Rifugio La costruzione della Rete Antiviolenza: il Protocollo d'intesa della Prefettura di Avellino Esperienze a confronto dei Centri Antiviolenza e delle Case Rifugio. Requisiti minimi dei Centri Antiviolenza e delle Case Rifugio Please reload Linee guida per l'intervento ​ La Rilevazione ​ Il Progetto di tutela e di cura ​ Strumenti civili e penali per la tutela ​ Please reload

  • Progetti | centroantiviolenza

    Women, minors and families area projects

  • NORMATIVA | centroantiviolenza

    LEGISLATION OF THE CAMPANIA REGION Regional Law of 1 December 2017 n. 34 - "Interventions to promote the personal, social and economic autonomy of women victims of gender-based violence and their children and recovery actions aimed at men who perpetrated violence" ​ ​ Executive Decree n. 160 of 29/05/2015 , Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the experimental projects for the establishment of Anti-violence Centers ​ ​ Executive Decree n. 25 of 17/01/2014 , Allocation of resources in favor of local areas for the construction of anti-violence centers ​ Regional Law n.22 of 21 July 2012 Standards for integration della network_cc781905-5cde-3194905-bbcc5_cc781905-3194bd8-3194bd3-1394bcc5-3194bcc5-1394bcc5-3194bd3-1394bd8-3194bd8 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ territoriali for the reception e_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb5890_b3b-136bad5_ 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ victims by violence_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136b58905-5cde-3194-bb3b-13694b5905cf58d3-3194-136b5890-5bd81-bb58905cc7d81 -136bad5cf58d_ and amendments to the law regional 27 January 2012, n. 1 ​Regional Law n.2 of 1 February 2011 ,Measures to prevent and combat gender-based violence ​Regional Law n.11 of 23 February 2005 ,Establishment of centers and shelters and assistance for abused women ​ ​​ PROTOCOLS OF UNDERSTANDING CAMPANIA REGION - "Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of actions to combat Gender Violence , tra Order of Psychologists, ANCI Campania, Regional School Office and Campania Region -25 November 2015 PREFECTURE OF AVELLINO -Memorandum of understanding for the promotion of shared strategies aimed at preventing and combating the phenomenon of violence against women -21 July 2016 ANCI-DiRE GUIDELINES for the intervention and construction of a network between the Social Services of the Municipalities and the Anti-violence Centers by DiRe - Women on the Net against violence -March 20, 2014 ​ NATIONAL LEGISLATION DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS 24 November 2017 - National guidelines for health authorities and hospitals on the subject of relief and socio-health assistance to women victims of violence . (18A00520)(GU General Series n.24 of 30-01-2018) INPS implementation circular no. 65 of 15/04/2016 on leave from work for women victims of violence ​State-Regions Conference of 27 November 2014 - Minimum Requirements for Anti-violence Centers and Refuge Houses. Law 119 of 15 October 2013, no. 119 Conversion into law, with amendments, of the decree-law of 14 August 2013, n. 93, bearingurgent provisions on security and for combating gender-based violence ​Law n.77 of June 27, 2013 ,Ratification and implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence , made in Istanbul on 11 May 2011. ​National Plan against gender violence and stalking - January 2011 ​Law Decree n. 11 of 23 February 2009 "Urgent measures regarding public safety and the fight against sexual violence, as well as with regard to persecutory acts" . Converted into Law 38/2009. ​Law n. 38 of 23 April 2009 , Conversion into law, with amendments, of the decree-law 23 February 2009, n. 11, bearingurgent measures regarding public safety and the fight against sexual violence, as well as with regard to persecutory acts "- introduces in the Criminal Code (art. 612 bis) thecrime of stalking or stalking ​Law n. 154 of 5 April 2001 - "Measures against violence in family relationships" ​Law n.66 of February 15, 1996 - Rules against sexual violence RELATIONSHIPS The Global status report on violence prevention 2014 , reports data from 133 countries, is the first report of its kind to evaluate national efforts to address interpersonal violence, i.e., maltreatment, violence against children, partner and sexual violence and elder abuse. "World Report on Violence and Health " - theWHO report of 2002 calls violence against women "A HEALTH PROBLEM OF HUGE GLOBAL PROPORTIONS" ISTAT report of 2014 published on 05/06/2015 -Violence against women inside and outside the family ISTAT volumeHow women's lives change -Published on 22/12/2015 - The volume presents an updated picture of the condition of women in Italy and analyzes how the role of women and their context of life in the family, in the world of work and in society has changed over the last decade (2004-2014). - ​ Stories of women Monologue for a black-eyed woman - video ​ F. COPPER - The Rape ​In March 1973 she was kidnapped by members of the far right and undergoes physical and sexual violence, remembered after some time in the play Lo rape, of 1981. The criminal proceedings reached a definitive sentence only after 25 years: this resulted in the prescription of the crime

  • Formazione specialistica | centroantiviolenza

    The course is part of the actions foreseen in the project "I DON'T SEE, I DON'T HEAR, I DON'T TALK ”, Offers theoretical-practical training on the evaluation and treatment of complex trauma, integrating the evident-based principles of diagnosis and clinical intervention. An overview of the nature of traumatic events will be proposed starting from the trajectories of individual and contextual vulnerabilities, with particular attention to Childhood Adverse Experiences (ACE) and attachment theory. Participants will acquire an in-depth knowledge on the tools and methods of evaluation of trauma-related syndromes in developmental age and on the evaluation of parental recoverability. Regarding clinical intervention, the course aims to introduce evidence-based therapies focused on trauma, in particular EMDR. It consists of 8 training modules of 6 hours each, some open to the whole team, others specific for psychotherapists, for a total of 48 hours. It provides for a mixed frequency mode: remotely and in presence in Avellino in Corso Europa n.27

  • DIRE,FARE... ASCOLTARE | centroantiviolenza

    Project funded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Department for Equal Opportunities Public Notice "for the financing of projects aimed at preventing and combating violence against women also in implementation of the Istanbul Convention" PROMOTING BODIES C. APOPHILA : LA GOCCIA cooperative PARTNER BODIES : Established in ATS - “Antimo Graziano” Prison House - Bellizzi Irpino (AV). - Social Area of Zone A02 - Leading Municipality Mercogliano (AV) - OPUS SOLIDARIETATIS PAX Foundation - Avellino SUPPORTING BODIES (entities that are not part of the ATS but which have expressed their willingness to support the project activities) - Diocesan Caritas of Avellino - Cooperative THEATER OF EUROPE - UEPE Avellino Mission of the project Saying, doing ... listening defines a path of re-construction of personal identity and a positive perception of self that helps the participants to overcome the frailties connected to their own experiences, also to regain possession of a removed femininity, learning to share their own experience with others, in the belief that to be able to listen and tell others it is necessary to listen to and tell each other also in order to rebuild a friendship and social network in order to be able to choose the best opportunities and not repeat choices of deviance or violence. Recipients The actions of the project are aimed at inmates of the women's section of the "Antimo Graziano" Prison of Avellino, located in Bellizzi Irpino Actions Psychological support path Job orientation Art-Therapy workshops (theater, tailoring, writing La pubblicazione raccoglie le storie delle donne detenute della sezione femminile della Casa Circondariale “Antimo Graziano” di Avellino che hanno partecipato al progetto “Dire, fare… ascoltare” Le storie di vita vissuta portano inevitabilmente a confrontarsi con una variegata rete di relazioni umane, fatte di esperienze e di emozioni spesso contrastanti, di legami più o meno profondi e significativi. Le storie del carcere spesso si incentrano su relazioni difficili, talora interrotte o divenute problematiche a causa della detenzione; sono anche storie, però, di relazioni che si mantengono e talora perfino si rafforzano e si valorizzano durante la detenzione, soprattutto se le protagoniste di quelle storie sono delle donne. L'universo femminile colora le relazioni con le sfumature più delicate anche nel carcere, dove più forti sono il rammarico per relazioni sbagliate e la fiducia nelle relazioni importanti, da conservare faticosamente e ri-costruire per il futuro. Ascoltare le storie delle donne detenute restituisce significato alla detenzione, soprattutto se l'ascolto viene favorito da persone che riescono a mettersi in relazione e diventare esse stesse parte di quella storia personale di relazioni che le protagoniste vivono in prima persona. L'importanza di costruire percorsi virtuosi è testimoniata dall'esperienza che il gruppo del progetto “Dire, fare…. Ascoltare” ha compiuto all'interno della Casa Circondariale di Avellino, per la capacità che gli operatori del progetto hanno avuto di accompagnare l'espressione delle emozioni; l'intensità dei racconti è pari alla capacità di ascolto avuta dagli operatori, grazie ad un legame profondo venutosi a creare in un contesto tanto più difficile quanto più capace di esprimere forti emozioni. Paolo Pastena Direttore Casa Circondariale "Antimo Graziano" Avellino Storia 1 Ne è valsa la “pena”? Una vita sottratta ai figli, alla vita, alla mia libertà... e sono qui, sono ancora qui e sarò ancora qui... mi riprenderò la mia vita, so sempre rialzarmi. Storia 6 Basta scegliere la strada giusta So di avere altre possibilità prego Dio che qualcuno mi porga la mano. Storia 11 Qui ad aspettare Avevo il potere, una vita agiata e non avevo bisogno di niente… Storia 16 Una seconda possibilità ho toccato il fondo e mi sono persa. Storia 21 Perdonare me stessa sono io la causa del loro dolore Storia 2 Dalla padella alla brace I primi schiaffi sono arrivati quasi subito il matrimonio non era più la mia vita Storia 7 S e non sei leone sei pecora e vieni mangiata Non c’è sconfitta nel cuori di chi lotta ed io… sono nata per lottare! Storia 12 La rinuncia ad essere madre solo stando lontano da me possono lasciarsi alle spalle un destino già scritto Storia 17 Le mie figlie: la mia forza io sono la figlia, la sorella sbagliata Non ho nessuno, ho solo loro. Ma io non mollo, io devo essere la loro forza e loro sono la mia. Storia 22 Sono nata che già cercavo amore Complico ciò che è semplice, distruggo ciò che è bello Cercavo amore, qualsiasi tipo di amore L’amore non ha volto, è solo amore che non esclude nessuno di noi! Storia 3 Casa? Roulotte! Mi ha portato subito a casa sua …casa???? Roulotte! io non ero nata per rubare Storia 8 Un messaggio ero stanca di essere picchiata Sono una rom e, si sa, le zingare sono bugiarde. sono fatta apposta per mettermi nei guai Storia 13 Figlia di mio padre con quel nome sei marchiata per sempre sono figlia di una società che con me ha avuto poco coraggio, una società che genera delusioni e comportamenti di chiusura ed indifferenza. Storia 18 Le persone possono cambiare il tempo passa lentamente qui allora bisogna inventarsi cose sempre nuove per “ammazzarlo” Storia 4 E poi chissà i soldi non ripagano i momenti belli che ho perso Al di fuori di noi c’è sempre buio e oscurità ma dentro di noi c’è sempre la luce. Storia 9 Non li ho mai trascurati non mi sono mai concessa dei lussi Non si possono perdere dei figli così, Storia 14 Voglia di casa Voglio tornare a casa! Storia 19 Ad oggi dico no!!! Non era l’uomo che meritava un gesto del genere Storia 5 Al miglior offerente non è permesso innamorarsi Rubare è un rischio continuo Non è bello appartenere ad una cultura che segna già da piccola il tuo destino. Storia 10 Ed io rivoglio entrambi mi aveva denunciato per usura Storia 15 La mozzarella spero solo che il Signore mi dia la forza fisica per andare avanti Storia 20 Vado avanti e non mi fermo Il mio reato si è ripercosso su di me

  • CONTATTACI | centroantiviolenza

    TO REQUEST INFORMATION TO REPORT VIOLENCE, DO NOT HESITATE ..._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ CONTACT US! 1/3 If you are a woman and suffer violence it's TIME to say: ENOUGH Get in touch with us, fill out the form and leave us your message Your data has been sent successfully! Send

  • Formazione anno 2017

    Cycle of training seminars 2017 -"Teenagers today: so bullies, so fragile" Registration template Training program

  • SCUOLE | centroantiviolenza

    PROJECTS OF PREVENTION AND AWARENESS RAISING IN SCHOOLS From the activities carried out in the schools in the area, the need to combat the phenomenon of gender-based violence clearly emerged not only by providing support to the victims of violence, but by starting a necessary prevention and awareness-raising activity in schools of all levels. Collaborating with schools is an irreplaceable opportunity for promoting change in a culture steeped in stereotypes to the detriment of women and their role in today's society. Through school contexts it is possible to promote a gender culture capable of enhancing the differences between male and female, educating girls and boys to respect differences in order to allow an authentic and positive relationship between genders and experiencing a an opportunity for learning through mutual comparison. OUR INTERVENTIONS They are aimed at students of primary and secondary schools of first and second grade. The interventions are personalized according to the age group and are carried out by the professionals who work in the Anti-violence Center - psychologists, social workers, lawyers, sociologists, operators, trainers - implemented with innovative relational methodologies, from a gender perspective, which facilitate the participation of students and which focus on learning that involves both the emotional and the intellectual level (circle time, brainstorming, role play, guided discussion in a small group, construction of billboards, viewing of films) ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The active role of students allows to activate a reflection on the perception that pre-adolescents and adolescents have of gender violence, especially to overcome the stereotyped vision that is often behind this theme. ​ SCHOOLS WE HAVE COLLABORATED WITH TODAY: Lower secondary schools: "Aurigemma" State Comprehensive Institute of Monteforte Irpino (AV) State Comprehensive Institute "G. Dorso" of Mercogliano (AV) State Comprehensive Institute of Forino (AV) ​ Upper secondary schools: State Scientific High School "PSMancini" of Avellino Liceo Classico Stalale "PVMarone" of Avellino State Linguistic-Scientific-Applied Sciences-Music High School "PEImbriani" of Avellino ITIS "G.Dorso" of Avellino IPSSEOA "Manlio Rossi-Doria" of Avellino "Luigi Einaudi" Institute of Higher Education in Cervinara CONTACTS The contact person for the activity in the schools is available to build ad hoc intervention projects, based on needs and interests of the individual school. For

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