From the activities carried out in the schools in the area, the need to combat the phenomenon of gender-based violence clearly emerged not only by providing support to the victims of violence, but by starting a necessary prevention and awareness-raising activity in schools of all levels.
Collaborating with schools is an irreplaceable opportunity for promoting change in a culture steeped in stereotypes to the detriment of women and their role in today's society.
Through school contexts it is possible to promote a gender culture capable of enhancing the differences between male and female, educating girls and boys to respect differences in order to allow an authentic and positive relationship between genders and experiencing a an opportunity for learning through mutual comparison.
They are aimed at students of primary and secondary schools of first and second grade.
The interventions are personalized according to the age group and are carried out by the professionals who work in the Anti-violence Center
- psychologists, social workers, lawyers, sociologists, operators, trainers - implemented with innovative relational methodologies,
from a gender perspective, which facilitate the participation of students and which focus on learning that involves
both the emotional and the intellectual level (circle time, brainstorming, role play, guided discussion in a small group,
construction of billboards, viewing of films) ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The active role of students allows to activate a reflection
on the perception that pre-adolescents and adolescents have of gender violence, especially to overcome
the stereotyped vision that is often behind this theme.
Lower secondary schools:
"Aurigemma" State Comprehensive Institute of Monteforte Irpino (AV)
State Comprehensive Institute "G. Dorso" of Mercogliano (AV)
State Comprehensive Institute of Forino (AV)
Upper secondary schools:
State Scientific High School "PSMancini" of Avellino
Liceo Classico Stalale "PVMarone" of Avellino
State Linguistic-Scientific-Applied Sciences-Music High School "PEImbriani" of Avellino
ITIS "G.Dorso" of Avellino
IPSSEOA "Manlio Rossi-Doria" of Avellino
"Luigi Einaudi" Institute of Higher Education in Cervinara
The contact person for the activity in the schools is available to build
ad hoc intervention projects, based on needs and interests
of the individual school. For contacts:info@cooperativalagoccia.it