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Management project

Promoting body and managing body

The Anti-violence Center is a service promoted byTerritorial Social Area A04, Avellino is the leading municipality.


Associated Municipalities:Avellino, Altavilla Irpina, Capriglia Irpina, Cervinara, Chianche, Grottolella, Montefredane, Petruro Irpino, Pietrastornina,

Prata di PU, Pratola Serra, Roccabascerana, Rotondi, San Martino VC, Torrioni, Tufo.

Headquarters of the Planning Office: Piazza del Popolo - 83100 Avellino

Tel 0825 200410 - Fax 0825 200292



It is managed by theSocial Cooperative "La Goccia"  


Legal and administrative residence:via Piave 29 / d - 83100 Avellino

Tel. 0825 784082 - Fax 0825 784082   -




The goal is to offer all women a protected and non-judgmental space where they can find information and support

to autonomously develop a personal way out of violence.

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Who is it for?

  • to women who have suffered domestic violence, stalking and / or sexual abuse, whether current, previous or suffered at a minor age;

  • to the relational network of women, because violence also affects family members, partners, friends, etc .;

  • to local and private social structures;

  • to those who wish to reflect and discuss to acquire education and prevention tools (operators, educators, teachers)


The direct recipients of the Anti-violence Center are:

  • Italian and foreign women, adults or minors - regardless of their legal status or citizenship - victims of violence, abuse and ill-treatment within or outside the family, or with problems linked to forms of gender discrimination.

  • Minor victims and / or witnesses of violence.


The indirect recipients are:

  • Young people to whom to raise awareness and spread a culture of respect and acceptance: sexually, culturally, religiously, politically and so on;

  • Parents, teachers, educators;

  • Representatives of public and / or private social institutions who may be involved directly or indirectly in the management of cases of violence (Prefecture, Carabinieri Stations, Commissariats, First Aid, Municipalities, Local Health Authorities, Counseling Centers, Schools, Parishes, Aggregation Centers ...)

  • Operators of the Ordinary Court and of Minors

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